Hey guys. Well, I’m writing to you from a gym I go to. I know that a lot of my software developer friends and my colleagues don’t visit a gym and of course that’s their choice. Nevertheless, I want you to know that there is a very strong correlation between phisycal training and intellect. So, more phisycal activity means more intellectual power! It doesn’t mean that you will get some knowledge with the gym, it means that it will be much easier to acquire new information and knowledge with a trained body. By the way, there are two important remarks.

First, in the beginning, when a person’s body is completely untrained, it doesn’t matter what exersizes they would do, their ability to think better would grow, but when experience of training grow, strength exersizes would not give significant ptofit. Then, you probably already have it, it is necessary to do aerobic exercises for further progress.

Second, this advantage is not permanent, so if you don’t want to lose it, you need to train regularly. But don’t get upset! If you think that you can lose all your training experience because of one missed training session, it’s not true. Human body is a complex and wonderful thing, there is muscle memory that recovers much faster in case of presence of great training experience. Also the cardiovascular system won’t degrade due to luck of exersizes.

Thanks for reading, be healthy!

Inspired by Asya Kazantseva and her presentation